I had a great race at the Greenwich half, and have done two other races since then. Both with the double stroller. One was a 5K and the other was a 4.4 mile fun run. I'm not doing individual race recaps because as proud as I am of the times we clocked, it's not important in the grand scheme of things. Sure, I broke my 2 hour goal in the half, and I ran steady paces during the other two, but you know what? Those two races I signed up for on the spot. Yep. Never done that before. Why? Because I didn't know if we, collectively, would be up for them. There have been a few other races that we've passed on. One on Memorial Day, another last weekend... but for some reason or another (baby needed a nap asap, timing didn't fit with nursing, one or more of us were up the night before) we didn't.
Bottom line: Running is A priority. It's not THE priority.
This summer we will probably do a lot of running. Some of it might be in races. I'll probably sign up for a fall half, because I missed it last year. The weather is perfect. It'll be a great stress reliever once I head back to work. But I've NEVER run more than twice a week in training. Not for a 10K, not for a half and not even for a full. I would love to, and I'd probably be able to break all sorts of time goals. But, right now, it's not in the cards. Maybe someday. Just not now. And we're fine with that!
Happy Running and SUMMERING!