Monday, December 19, 2011

All I want for Christmukah is...

Oh, JJ Cole Toddler BundleMe Arctic, how I have been coveting you...  I've seen you out and about with your running Mummies and Daddies when the weather dips just below freezing, and we're racing home for nap time and cozy house exercising. Shelby and Penn have one of you, and rave about how amazing you are. Every time we see them. I might be crazy, but I would love to be outside with my rob-a-bank ski mask and two layers of pants, braving the elements with you protecting my little munchkin...

Hanukkah starts tomorrow, I may have to make a trip to Buy Buy Baby (they are backordered on virtually all websites, including the JJ Cole site) to pick one of these beauties up. Stay tuned.

This also ties into the blog I was halfway through writing yesterday, before it was decided that our almost 10 month old only needs a 35 minute nap (what?). Here's what I began to write....

Last night [Saturday] I charged my iPod shuffle and Garmin, found a new stroller-friendly route (yay!), and laid out my running clothes. Then, I checked the weather. Eeks! I wish I had taken a screen shot on the iPad, but BRRRRRR! When O and I run, we usually head out around 8:30 or 8:45 am. At that time the temperature was going to be a steamy 21 degrees. Fahrenheit. Celsius? [69.8] I could very easily deal with.  We usually wear jackets, hats, mittens (a pair over feet too) and a blanket when we walk Stella in the Baby Ergo.... but that's  for at most 30-40 minutes. Oliver loves the stroller (and has since Day 1), but he likes looking at stuff. So, as great as the BOB Weather Shield is, it's good for rain and wind, but not just plain COLD. As much as I know I need a daily workout, I just can't justify turning little one into a penguin who can't walk, move, hold a bottle, eat a Mum Mum, or play with a toy by wrapping him in 72 layers of fuzz.

So, instead of venturing out in the cold with stroller, I waited until morning nap time and did my Netflix Kickboxing DVD (thank you, Keli Roberts!). I have been paying very close attention to the 10 day forecast (almost a week without Stroller Strides coming up), to plan for a long run or four.

That is, if the JJ Cole makes its way home with me sometime soon... ::sigh::

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