#1 - That little person who calls me "Mummy." That energetic, hilarious, thoughtful, sweet, creative and loving boy. Eating cheddar broccoli soup, hummus and always picking the fruit first. The crazy-haired child who loves school, adores his friends, and his four-legged friend. I never imagined I could love someone as much as I love him.

#3 - Our crazy Stelladog. Eating butter (among other things), chasing squirrels, and acting more like a human than some people... love our fur baby.
#4 - My parents. All six of them. Near and far. Cookie-baking, football-loving, oil painting, singing parents.
#5 - My grandmother. Oliver's Gigi.
#6 - Styles that finally fit my body type! ...and hide what I want/need to hide :) Scarves, boots, boot socks (my feet are always freezing), comfortable and baggy tops. Le sigh.
#7 - Siblings. Every single one of them. Plus, the nieces (BraeBrae, Dillon and two in utero) and nephews (Max, Joby, Nat, A.J. and Broady)!
#8 - Starbucks. Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Peppermint Mochas, Chai Lattes and an occasional Frap. Bliss.

#10 - Baby video monitors. Because they let me see O snuggling stuffed animals and twirling his hair, plus they let me hear him attempt to sing his ABCs first thing in the morning.
#11 - Doing dishes. Yep. Because that means we've eaten food off of those plates, and have water/electricity to clean them.
#12 - Working at the best school. Ever. I've taught at some pretty great places, but this one is tops. Fifteen hard-working students who come to school every day eager to learn and ready to take on the world. Plus, a great support system of teachers and administrators who encourage me to do what I love, how I do it.
#13 - Old Navy and Target. For allowing me to buy clothes that aren't exorbitantly expensive, while still letting me fill a closet (or two...)
#14 - Pinterest. For allowing me to fake that I have some style.
#16 - Hot showers. Not warm showers. HOT showers.
#17 - The flavors of fall. Pumpkin. Butternut squash. Cinnamon. Apple pie. Nutmeg. Soups. Mashed potatoes. Mmmmmmm.
#19 - Facebook, Instagram, Skype (!) and Twitter. Yes, I'm sorry if you disagree. It's how I stay in touch with people - video chats with O's grandparents weekly, commenting on cousins' pictures from across the country, friends since drifted... technology can be wonderful.
#21 - Elmo. Peppa Pig. Clifford. Bob the Builder. ...because they excite, amuse, entertain and inspire my child. (Most importantly when I'm making dinner!)
#22 - October through February. No one can contend with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, and all four family birthdays in a matter of ~4 months! Bring it on!
Right back at you sistah! Mwah!