Thursday, August 8, 2013

Summer "Vacation"

So, apparently it's been two months (?!?!) since my last post. I suppose there are some excuses. 1) It's summer. 2) I haven't been getting 'dressed' because it's summer. 3) I've been exhausted because it's summer. Anyway, here's a quick recap.

I ran a 4 mile race on the 4th of July (okay, so it was over a month ago), but it's been waaaay too hot to run more than a few miles since then. It was also about 90% humidity that day, so I was humbled to say the least. Next year I'll rock it with the double.

I'm heading back to work in three weeks - whaaaat? and will be off for about four months. Looking forward to it, but this pregnancy has gone by SO much faster than last time.

Four on the Fourth.
The only outfits I've worn this summer. Apparently. 
How far along: 27.5 weeks
Baby info: 2.5 lbs and 16" long. Third trimester - bam!
Total weight gain: 20 lbs. YIKES.
Maternity clothes: Yes and no. Not workout pants (Yoga pants are my BEST friend). Maternity tops for sure. Still have ONE pair of pre pregnancy pants that fit.
Sleep: Starting to get bad... the dog isn't helping.
Best moment of this week: My Wednesdays. I'll explain next week if I remember to bring my camera with me!
Miss anything: deli meat, sushi, I think that's about it.
Food cravings: Gatorade. Egg salad. Pizza. Caesar salad. French fries.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just that nasty glucose test this morning. Couldn't even drink water to wash it down... yuck.
Have you started to show yet: Yes? Not to the point of lots of people asking about it, but I guess they might just think I've had a baby? My landlord was over the other day and asked where the baby was. Weird.....  and then there was that crazy old bat at the gym.
Gender: Boy! (Trucks, hand-me-downs, puddles... I'm ready!)
Looking forward to: Figuring out a name for this kiddo... it's really difficult. I'm surprised we agreed on Oliver so quickly. Wish we had 6 weeks post-delivery to decide like they do in the UK. And, no, it won't be named George...

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